Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Last few days we stayed at a hostel in Kyoto called "The Izumi House" - which worked out great because we each got our own tiny room (smaller than my bathroom at home, but lovely nontheless). I don't think it is on any of the hostel sites because no one there really speaks English; a Japanese friend from our last farm helped us find and book it. Originally we were going to only spend two nights there, but it was so cheap compared to everywhere else (roughly $15 a night) that we decided to stay and take day trips to Nara and Hiroshima. One downside of the hostel was that there was no shower - which meant that we got to go to a public bath... again. It's a bit odd having to pay a little over $4 to take a shower, but I guess it's better than nothing. Our bath experience in Kyoto was a bit different than in Suzaka because there were about 15 women in there with us, all of which were probably over 60. One woman seemed pissed because (we think from her body language) that we were supposed to shower before getting into the bath - so that was a little awkward. Yuka didn't do that in Suzaka so we had no idea. Most of the other women were pretty nice though, trying to help us find privacy towels and urging use to use buckets to wash ourselves in addition to just sitting in front of our showers and mirrors.

Once clean, our first night in Kyoto was amazing. We went to a place we found in Lonely Planet called "A Bar" for dinner. It took us about 45 minutes to find, but was completely worth it. Very comfortable, relaxed place with a really good energy (and good food). We made a bunch of friends there which was fun, and then we went to a kareoke place with two of then, Kei and Masa. We had our own little room which made me think of Lost In Translation; it was great. The Japanese certainly take their kareoke seriously. The nest day we went to the Nishiki Market in Kyoto, which had a lot of food and random other things, including the most beautiful candy I have ever seen. On a side note: I am absolutely going to get a cavity while I am here. Never in my life have I eaten so much candy - I didn't think I even liked candy that much. Everything here is just so interesting and packaged in a cool way. Anyway, we then visited the Kurama-dera temple which took forever to get to, but was really beautiful. On the train ride back into the city it was night time and for a few minutes they turned off all the lights (which made me panic at first) so we could see the fall foliage, which was underlit and stunning. The rest of the time in Kyoto centered around seeing temples/shrines and food. We spent a day walking around Southern Higashiyma, seeing Kiyomizu-dera, the Kodaiji temple and some others. The Fushimi-Inari shrine was also really incredible - it has hundreds of bright red columns/gates lining paths all over the site. We ran into some English boys in a park that we had met briefly in the train station the previous day and decided to meet up for a drink later that night. We went to an Irish pub where we met some other Americans and the Brits, and later went to kareoke again with the Brits (more fun with the Japanese).

We took a day trip to Nara and visited the deer park and a bunch of temples and shrines. We got a free guide at the train station which was really helpful - we saw a lots of places we would have missed otherwise. It was also nice being able to ask him questions. Oh! There I saw the largest bronze statue in the world (or at least that's what the guide said) of an enormous Buddha - it was so huge and cool! I also looooooved being able to pet and feed hundreds of deer. When you feed the deer you are supposed to hold the deer biscuts above their heads until they nod three times. So basically even the deer in Japan are polite. We decided to eat in Nara and found a really cheap place that specialized in fried pork... I had fried chicken and was so happy - they even had tobasco!

The following day we went to Hiroshima which was really interesting. I still don't think I can really fully grasp what happened there. However, actually being in that place and walking around was a neat experience. We walked through the park and saw the various memorials and then went to the museum and spent about three hours there. It was incredibly sad and even a bit eerie. Swiching gears, it was also Thanksgiving (well actually it was the day before, but this was when our friends and families were celebrating), so we went back to A Bar because we liked it there and it felt comfortable. Here we had another great meal and mostly talked to two brittish men who were here teaching English, and a Spanish man with his (much younger) Japanese girlfriend. They were all great and we had a lot of fun - the Brits were just in Southeast Asia so we got some travel tips from them.

Last night we got into Osaka and we are staying at the Peace House Showa hostel. It's small (like everything in Japan) but very homey and nice. Our room has three bunkbeds (so we are 3 of 6 people in there) and that takes up about all of the space.... I'm sleeping with my huge backpacking backpack next to me on my little top bunk. It's not actually not terrible, but someone was snoring soooooo loud last night. Regardless, at least I got to take a shower standing up and by myself (we tried to go to the bathhouse in Kyoto again the other night but got there too late and it was closed, so we hadn't bathed in about 4 days and have been walking and sweating a lot.... it was definitely time). We met another Brittish boy who was staying at our hostel and went with him to a little "bar" down the street. Really it was the size of a closet with plastic flaps as doors. The four of us plus the two homeless men there and the bartender really pushed the occupancy limit. I guess this new friend had been there the night before and ended up going out to dinner and bars with the bartender.... we only stayed about 30 minutes and decided it was time for dinner. Oh, and one thing that this hostel did not put on its website is that it is 3 blocks from the area's equivalent of a red light district (not that it would have mattered, it is the cheapest place we could find). Here, a few blocks are filled with tiny storefronts each containing one young girl, sitting and smiling in the center of the room looking much like a doll, and an old lady sitting on the side who I assum handles the money. As you walk down the street the girls on display get a little older, and a little uglier.

Today we went to the aquarium in Osaka - it was a little bit of a stretch for our bank accounts right now ($20) but it was certainly worth it. There were two whale sharks and lots of other sharks in a huge tank in the center of the building, and 8 floors of other marine life (and some birds and mammals). I absolutely loved it, and took about a million pictures.... will post some soon. Like a very small child, I literally regularly sat on the ground with both hands pressed to the glass and my nose about an inch from it. Christmas music was playing most of the time which was a bit bizarre, and at one point a scuba diver in a santa clause wet suit/costume was in the shark tank waving at people... that was odd. We spent about 4.5 hours there, and by the time we left it was dark out. We also kind of lost Ashley for a while but found her eventually. Tomorrow we are going to Kobe for the night and the following morning we are going to our second farm. I'm really excited to eat some Kobe beef, and also want to see some of the cows and maybe pet one.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Snow monkeys!!

Today we went north into the Mountains to see the snow monkeys that hang out in hot springs. It was absoltely amazing! We took about a 40 minute train ride from Suzaka, to another town where we took a bus and then hiked up to the springs for about 30 minutes. There were so many monkeys at the park and they didn't seem to mind that there were people around at all. One chased another and ran into my leg (which was fine but I finally did some laundry last night and now my pants are really muddy). I think I took about a million pictures. There was a hot spring that they soaked in and groomed each other and just chilled out. They seemed just like humans, it was incredible (and the babies are wonderfully adorable) - I think I could have stayed there for hours and just watched them play. However, we were hungry so we found a little soba place that I think was just an extension of someone's house... but it was good. Tonight is our last night as our little group here are Nagata's. I've really enjoyed having these other 3 wwoofers here and exploring this area with them. Once we finished the harvest our next job was to remove all the little sapplings growing next to the big apple trees using crowbars... not always an easy task. After a while not only does one get pretty sore, but also extremely bored. A few days ago the 6 of us ended up making up a game where you flip and throw your crowbar at a piece of styrofoam, trying to hit the styrofaom and have the crowbar land standing up in the ground.... very fun. We also played a little apple/crowbar baseball (resulting in a face covered in apple juice). Tomorrow we are going to toyko just for the day to get our Indian visas (so that we can pick them up in a few weeks when we go back through) and run another few errands. We are going to keep out huge backpacks on all day and try to make it Kyoto tomorrow night.... it is going to be a verrrry long day. Going to try to put up some pictures tonight. Love to all!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Fire

Today we burnt a huge pile of plastic. It was so bizarre. We finished the apple harvest today by lunchtime (which I am oddly proud of) and in the afternoon we did some pretty random things. Quickly sorted some apples, then picked up some big sheets of plastic paneling and drove it up the mountain to nagata's other house.... where we proceded to throw it in a pile and burn it. We added some wood and a lot of plastic crates and jars, two tires, a pair of rubber boots.... We all were shocked at what we were doing and felt horrible about ruining the ozone layer... and our lungs. On Nagatas wwoof profile it says that he has an organic mentality of sorts - I hardly think this qualifys as such. After that he took us on a walk through his beautuful jungle-like forest in the mountains and showed us some freshwater springs. It was very nice. Tonight we went to a hotsprings in town, which was lovely. It is separated by men and women and you have to go naked... but when you walk around cover just your private parts with something about the size of a hand towel. After we sat in the springs for a while (soooo hot) we took showers.... these were in the room with the indoor springs and we sat on little stools in front of mirrors and used handheld shower heads. it was a bit strange to be sitting on a little stool naked, showering with a bunch of japanese women, but at the same time i didn't feel uncomfortable. Oh, and the other night at our welcome dinner some how the phrase "honey girls" came up and nagata decided that we were going to be japan's newest pop sensation and that would be our group name... and our first single is going to be called "apple honey"... and you can't truly appreciate that without seeing the arm movement that goes along with. We promised we will make a music video. Nagata can only really say/remember my name so whenever he is talking to ashley, willy and myself he says "Mimi and three girls". Minus the plastic burning today I completely love him. He is so nice and generous. Going to go have some dinner, one of the other wwoofers made some sort of japanese meal (and is making mine without the fish flakes, woohoo). Ok love to all!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

HIiiii. So we are at our first farm right now and it is absolutely incredible. Our host (Nagata Eiichi) is so awesome, he took us out to dinner last night as a second welcome party (the first being on the night we got here, had a bottle of jack daniels in his den and ate weird food). There are 3 other wwoofers here and I like them all - two boys and a girl. Bob got here yesterday and is staying in a room with us, Yuca and Dan met a few weeks ago and are dating - she is japanese which is really helpful in understanding things. We (all 6 woofers) have our own house. I think Nagata is loaded, he used to do bioengineering and worte some books, but now just farming. Its harvest time so I've been picking apples for 7 hours a day, which is actually kind of fun. I've pretty much mastered the technique of picking the apples so that just the right amount of stem comes with it. Willy and I had an apple picking contest and I won (but only by 3 apples). We've been playing lot of games and singing disney songs in the orchards. Tokyo was really fun. We were only there for a few days so we picked a lot into each day - I feel like I have been in Japan for weeks. We went to the fish market at 7am (meant to get there at 5am but our alarm clock didn't go off). It was sooooo crazy, tons and tons of weird fish. I took a lot of pictures and will post them later. Also, the toilets are really intense here. Now if I sit on a toilet and it isn't heated I feel really annoyed (it only happened once). I think this is the most boring thing I've ever written, sorry, just tired. Going to the grocery store. LOVE

Thursday, November 12, 2009

We made it to Tokyo!!! Getting to the hostel was a bit of an experience.... it was about an hour from the airport by train - somehow we managed to figure out the subway system and lots of connections on basically no sleep. We also had our huge backpacks, daypacks and travel purses... quadrupling our size and making walking quite the task. When we made it to our final stop we had a ten minute walk to the hostel, which was very tucked away and hard to find. Our room is roughtly the size of my bathroom, and one of the bunkbeds is in a closet (literally)... but you get what you pay for and this is the cheapest hostel we could find - and everyone is very nice here. Actually so far everyone in this counrty is very nice and helpful... and quiet and clean. We went to a Korean place for dinner (thought it was going to be Japanese) and had an awesome meal. Our waitress did not speak english and there was not an english menu - but willy knew a bit about korean food so we had a platter of different raw meats that we cooked ourself (still not sure what one of them was). Now we are getting ready to really explore the city - we are about 10-15 min outside of the main parts of tokyo by train - we got here in the dark last night so its pretty exciting to actually see the city. Lots of love to all!! miss you all lots and will try to write again soon (i'm shocked this hostel has wifi, it was a lovely surprise to find out that it actulaay works). Oh and i think i threw my back out a little when I sat up in my rock hard bunk bed... so i'm a bit worried about that. LOVE LOVE LOVE

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hellooo, so I'm traveling for the year and going to try to stay in touch through this blog (which makes me feel like a big nerd). I don't really know how often I'll have access to the internet, but I am bringing a little computer and will try to write relatively regularly. I'm traveling with Willy Steigman and Ashley McEvoy and we will be spending about half of our time working on organic farms (through wwoof). If anyone is abroad or will be in the next year let me know and we should meet up! This is our general itinerary (some of the dates might change):

Japan: Nov 11 - Dec 13
South Korea: Dec 13 - Dec 20
Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam: Dec 20 - March 10
India: March 10 - May 12
South Africa, Botswana: May 12 - May 26
Egypt: May 26 - June 9
Israel: June 9 - June 23
Turkey: June 23 - July 10
We then Fly to Greece and spend the next few months in Europe

Please please stay in touch!!!